IncrediblEurope: 700+ Million Individuals. 50+ Languages. 1 Global Player.
Our Activities
IncrediblEurope advocates ample support, interaction and cooperation between all stakeholders as a sustainable investment in Europe’s future. The campaign involves all European countries and works across languages, sectors and activities, promoting and presenting good practice visions, tips and ideas from all over the continent. We believe that all of them can spark imagination and make a difference.Please find IncrediblEurope Activities hereafter!
IncrediblEurope Summit
The IncrediblEurope Summit in Vienna is the yearly highlight. It gathers the most influential changemakers to jointly work on the elaboration of Europe’s shared, sustainable future and specific actions for the following year.
“The IncrediblEurope Summit represents the perfect opportunity for participants from all over Europe to exchange opinions, to network and to actively contribute in the shaping of the future.” Mag. Richard Kuehnel, Head of the European Commission Representation in Vienna
IncrediblEurope Night
We believe Europe has an incrediblE potential which must be highlighted and known across Europe and beyond. Therefore we initiate and organize the IncrediblEurope Night in closely linked European cities to show off their best in innovative, creative and entrepreneurial businesses in one night. It will take place for the first time in 2014.
IncrediblEurope Network
The IncrediblEurope Network's role is to support, nurture and brand Europe’s innovative and creative side as a key investment for the future of Europe.
IncrediblEurope builds up and nurtures a network which:
- promotes and connects creative and innovative visions, people and businesses throughout
Europe and beyond
- works on sustainable solutions in and beyond times of crisis
- supports the development of creative policies and branding
- runs and manages an European network for unique insights, knowledge and experiences
IncrediblE Entrepreneurs Club
The concept behind the IncrediblE Entrepreneurs Club was born during the IE Summit 2010. Changemaker meet on a regular basis to empower and encourage each other. Certainly, there is also a high potential that synergies may be discovered and collaborations or cooperation may be formed. For an efficient implementation the Incredible Entrepreneurs Club aims to stay small, up to 10 persons. Since then the IncrediblE Entrepreneurs meets on a monthly basis.
If you want to join or found one yourself please get in touch with Daniel.
IncrediblEurope Capital
The idea of IncrediblEurope Capital is to give financial support to Start-ups.
If you are interested please contact us.
Brainswork Make a Difference Award
In the frame of the Summit the “Brainswork Make a Difference Award” recognizes outstanding individuals that employ their unique talent, creativity, ideas and visions for the benefit of their communities. Selma Prodanovic, Brainswork-CEO, initiated the award to honour those people and most importantly, to encourage others to make a difference too.
Business Angelina
Business Angelina is an initiative to empower women to invest and support start-ups with financial resources as well as with knowledge and relevant business contacts. Click here for more details.