IncrediblEurope: 700+ Million Individuals. 50+ Languages. 1 Global Player.

Voices IncrediblEurope Summit 2010

“Howdy from California -- finally got back yesterday. Weird mix of feelings: great to be back with family and friends, but there's something about Europe that makes me feel most alive/awake/relevant when there. Not sure what it is, but it has something to do with the combination of rich diversity of culture and an exciting hunger/need (at least in the circles I run in) to be more entrepreneurial. Anyway, in my quiet moments I find myself thinking back to many little bits of my time in Vienna -- thanks again for the opportunity.”
Gentry Underwood (IDEO, San Francisco)

„I wish to thank you for your hospitality, kindness and inspiration extended to me during the IncrediblEurope Summit 2010. I am truly humbled by your generosity and your endless perseverance to bring to the fore so much creative talent, knowledge sharing and collaborative exchange to touch the lives of others. You truly are an inspirational leader. Your vision, leadership and wide reaching collaboration across geographical and cultural borders, is leaving a lasting legacy that provides a touchstone, point of inspiration and catalyst for those around you to make exponential change. You lead by example and provide guidance for others. In New Zealand Maori culture, a leader of great respect is deemed a taonga, “a treasure” or a person of great knowledge. It is bestowed. Your aspirations to further creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for positive change are defining your role as a guardian of knowledge truly worthy of the titles of taonga and te waka huia which means “a vessel of knowledge”. The IncrediblEurope Summit is deeply enriching and connecting. It was wonderful to reunite with IncrediblE Angels at the 2010 Summit. I was inspired by the support, camaraderie and passion for collaboration that now underpins the IncrediblEurope Summit. It was especially inspiring to hear Dr Edward de Bono share his wisdom and insight for creative thinking in schools, and his suggestion for governments to adopt a ‘minister of thinking’. I will forever be enlightened by Cameron Sinclair’s extraordinary magnetism and tireless efforts to inspire the consciousness of architects and designers to unite, collaborate and co-create for humanitarian solutions. It was also interesting to interact with enterprising entrepreneurs at STARTup Vienna. Again, thank you so much for everything that you, Miriam, Dejan and your team at Brainswork, and your event partners, sponsors and volunteers provided to me and others at the IncrediblEurope Summit.“
Jillian de Beer (de Beer Communications, Auckland)

„Many many thanks for inviting me to the Incredible Europe conference - it was extremely enjoyable to meet and hear so many inspiring people. If you are in London please do drop in.“
Julia Cassim (Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal Art College, London)

„We are really grateful that we could be part of it. The pleasure was ours!!! Really, we met interesting people, learned about international projects and got ideas of how we could improve our own project... what else can we expect!? Hope to see you again very soon!“ Elena Ruiz-Hellin and Jone Zubiaga (Creativity Zentrum, Bilbao)

„Already working on the feedback and the next steps. Thanks for the pictures, again great
work. I am ready to kickstart the IncrediblEurope Business Angels.“
Ab Kuijer (JuniorSenior, Nice/Amsterdam)

„Thank you very much for everything. I really enjoyed it.“
Mirko Ilic (Mirko Ilic Corporation, New York)

„Truly inspiring!“
Barbara Erhardt (T-systems, Vienna)

„Ein grosses Kompliment zur Konferenz, gute Atmosphaere, interessante Vortraege und Publikum - besten Dank fuer die Einladung. Ich spuere dein starkes Engagement fuer die Sache und bin sicher, dass dein Thema in Zukunft eine breite Basis haben wird.“
Erwin Werdenigg (Edelwiser, Vienna)

„Was awesome yesterday, thanks a lot for putting all this effort and passion into it! See you
Fredrik Debong (STARTeurope, Vienna)

„Selma & Team. You ARE AMAZING. Thank you Thank you Thank you :)“
Tamas Locher (garmz, Vienna)

„It was a very nice and well-organized event! And all the brainstorming of ideas and topics discussed. Well done, Selma! Congrats and looking forward to future events!“
Diana Jovani (US Embassy, Vienna)

„Liebe Selma, vielen Dank nochmals fuer die Einladung. Es war eine gute Veranstaltung!
Gratuliere. Hoffe, wir bleiben in Kontakt.“
Martin Hablesreiter (honey & bunny productions, Vienna)

„Danke Miriam und Selma. The pleasure was all mine. Auch fuer die netten Fotos. Ihr solltet euch jetzt mal erholen. Nachdem was ihr da geleistet habt. Take care!“
Eric Poettschacher (Shapeshifters, San Francisco)

„Liebe Miriam, danke fuer Deine lieben Zeilen und die Fotos. Euer Summit hat mir sehr gut
Michael Conrad (Berlin School for Creative Leadership, Zurich)

„Great Event!“
Andreas Tschas (STARTeurope, Vienna)

„Thnx for the great evening. I fully enjoyed. Gr8 initiative.“
Wolfgang Bergthaler (Maya India, Vienna)

„Yeah i agree, enjoyed every second... Special thanks to Selma, Maja and Mirko for
making it possible for me to be a part of it :)“
Ziga D. Volk (Belgrade)

„Hey Selma, wanted to share this TED talk with I.E.: Have a look at Derek Sivers, "how to
start a movement" for the future of incredible Europe“ Thomas Stini (Onorthodox, Vienna)
„Thank you Thomas! How do we reach a tipping point? We are more than 3!! "...3 is a
crowd, a crowd is news..." IncrediblEurope
„We reached it already during the last I.E. summit! now WE ARE moving lets see how we
can take off?
Thomas Stini (Onorthodox, Vienna)

„I got soo much great feedback when pitching at IncrediblEurope I'm
definitely attending next year!“
Martin Schuerrer (, Vienna)

Die absolute Kroenung einer an sich schon genialen Woche war die Teilnahme am incredibleEurope Summit im Wiener Kursalon am 10.6. und 11.6. Obwohl sich die Wege von Edward de Bono und GehirnMUSKEL leider nicht kreuzten (Rueckreise von Mag. Jakisic aus Sofia am 10.6. nachmittags) war es dennoch ein sehr eindrucksvolles Erlebnis, derart vielen interessanten und inspirierenden Persoenlichkeiten zu begegnen. Viele interessante Themen rund um Kreativitaet und Innovation, dazwischen Kurzpraesentationen von Jungunternehmern boten Abwechslung ohne Ende. Was sehr spannend war, war die Anwesenheit von Leuten aus der Kreativszene von allen Kontinenten. Der Kongress haette gern auch in Hongkong oder New York stattfinden koennen. Abgesehen vom Gebaeude waere (fast) kein Unterschied bemerkbar gewesen. „Fast“ wegen all der Studenten von Wiener Universitaeten, die viel Frische und Unbekuemmertheit mitbrachten. Schade nur, dass sehr wenig Presse und Politik vertreten war. Alles in allem aber ein absoluter Hoehepunkt, welcher mit Sicherheit zum Fixpunkt jeder Jahresplanung von GehirnMUSKEL werden wird. Gerade fuer meine Taetigkeit als Trainer/Berater im Bereich Denk- und Innovationsmethoden war das DER Event des Jahres. Sowohl was die Themen als auch die Personen anbelangt – lauter Volltreffer. Es haben sich auch schon einige Folgegespraeche ergeben und ich bin zuversichtlich, dass es in diesem Sinne weiter gehen wird. Ich freue mich auch schon sehr auf kommendes Jahr und wuensche allen neuen Bekannten, welche ich kennen lernen durfte, ein tolles Jahr, viel Erfolg bei maximaler Gesundheit und alles Liebe.
Jakov Jakisic (GehirnMUSKEL, Vienna)
created by Team sisu