IncrediblEurope: 700+ Million Individuals. 50+ Languages. 1 Global Player.

Speakers 2012

Some of the most innovative, creative and entrepreneurial minds of our time will gather to Co-Create IncrediblEurope at the IE Summit 2012 on June 14-15, 2012 in Vienna!

This year 20 IncrediblE Connectors will each chair an interdisciplinary group of futuremakers: IE young ambassadors (teenagers / students), startups younger than one year, companies older than 100 years, creatives, innovators, artists, investors, activists, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, scientists, hackers,…

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While studying philosophy and communication science Niko Alm already worked on his career as entrepreneur. In 2001 he founded Super-Fi, the first of seven companies in a group sporting the same name. These days his professional interest focuses on social media resulting in bookings as a speaker on various occasions.
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Shams Asadi is the Vice-Independent Officer for Occupational Safety and Health of the Public Administration in Vienna and in charge of the Viennese Antidiscrimination Office.
Shams is the co-founder and vice president of the association “MiM – MiA in Motion”– a network of international women and MiA-Award holders in Austria.
She is also the board member of the cultural association “SOHO” in Vienna.

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Brigitte Baumann is President of the Board of EBAN, the European trade association for Business Angels , Seed Funds and other Early Stage market players.

Brigitte is also the Founder and CEO of Go Beyond Ltd., the European Early Stage Investing specialists, offering cross border investment opportunities, syndication/pooling, due diligence, investment monitoring services and training/coaching.
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Tom focuses on holistic leadership, innovation, management and prevention of crises and conflicts as well as the common realization of visionary projects.
Father of two sons, trained as a mechanical engineer, manager and coach.
Since 1999 independent crisis and restructuring manager, coach and consultant for holistic management.
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Wolfgang is connecting the European with the Indian Union - as an entrepreneur, independent consultant and business developer. He is working with tech start-ups from either continents, exploring synergies for both. Wolfgang was an integral member of, the leading platform for Indian entrepreneurs.
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Florian Brody is an internationally acclaimed digital media specialist and marketing expert. Currently he heads marketing at Envizio, the start-up he co-founded and supports the exchange between Austria and the Silicon Valley.
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Marija is the IE Young Ambassador of Montenegro and she has obtained a Bachelor degree in the field of International economy, finance and business at the University of Donja Gorica in, Montenegro. She is currently looking for job/internship opportunities abroad.
Various activities she is actively involved in such as: internship, part time jobs, NGOs, courses, seminars, tribunes and trainings help her broaden her knowledge thorough grounding in both theoretical and applied business and economics.

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Stephanie Cox is one of the IE Young Ambassadors, a network for young change makers all over Europe. Besides her Social- and Culture Anthropology study at the University of Vienna, she has been organizing events to support and produce startups across Europe. After working with STARTeurope for the past two years, she is now concentrating on her passion: training teenagers and adults.
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Tim is a Senior Partner with OPERA consulting group a Management
Consulting company since 1991 active in both Eastern and Western
Europe providing interim management, executive coaching, management
consulting and intercultural consulting services.In this role he has
spearheaded a number of start-ups for leading multinationals incl.
Pepsi Cola Inc.
Tim also co-founded the Saints-Club Executive Investment group in 2001
based in Vienna focused on seed and first round investments.

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Alex obtained a performance master at the university of music in Graz (Austria) in 1985 and a scholarship at the Berklee college of music in Boston (USA). He started touring with famous jazz band and recorded with famous trumpet players Woody Shaw and Freddy Hubbard. During his 8 years he lived in Boston and NYC he started his successful career as producer.

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Carina Felzmann launched her Marketing and PR Agency Cox Orange 14 years ago. Since then she completed numerous communication projects with her team, especially in the field of education. Parallel to her agency management she made a side trip into politics, engaged herself as vice president of the Viennese Economic Chamber and was a member of Parliament at the Austrian National Council. At the same time she also developed the issue creative Economy “Kreativwirtschaft” in Austria und became first president of the Arge Creativ Wirtschaft Austria in the Austrian Economic Chamber.
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Born in 1965, lives in Vienna, Austria. Market researcher and management consultant. Studies in commerce and economics at the Vienna University of Economics, Resonance Coach. As a member of Burgenland Croates, an autochthonous minority in Austria, and upon her international NGO experience with JCI Junior Chamber International, Petra developed a distinct passion for cultural diversity and European affairs.
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Manuel Gruber is the Founder and CEO of DREAMA.TV. He studied media informatics, media technology and journalism and started his first company at the age of 20.
He is a co-founder of DreamAcademia, organized TEDxPannonia and wrote several scientific thesis about the future of TV.

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Georg Kapsch is the President of the Vienna Regional Group of the Federation of Austrian Industries since 2008.
Georg Kapsch was elected as the CEO of Kapsch Group in 2001 and one year later also as the CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom AG, a business unit of Kapsch Group and international supplier of innovative traffic telematic solutions.

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Harald Katzenschlaeger is an expert in coaching and business development. He brings together significant experience in international business with practical experience in building and managing cross-cultural teams. He has coached at different organizational levels of blue-chip companies and SMEs, and worked with talents from various backgrounds to realize their dreams. He also worked with a number of non-profit and activist organizations.

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After 15 years in investment banking and venture capital, Werner Krendl currently focuses on financing innovations with a positive impact. He is Managing Partner of ELEVEN Biotech Acceleration and together with partners he is initiating Austria’s first impact investing network.

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Born on 11.12.1965 in Magdeburg since 1970 in Vienna, studies of the Catholic. theology and philosophy at the University of Vienna.
Since 1990, working at ORF (Austrian broadcasting corporation) in various fields: religion, science, education and information.

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André Lauer is student at the University of Vienna and a very active and social person. After having worked in the startup environment he started studying and decided to follow my passions. He joined AIESEC, the world´s largest student organization, which he has a long experience working in and also leading teams and projects. What he loves most is the international environment, the chance to learn things and to make mistakes and learn out of them the next time.
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Clarissa is studying European Economics and Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. She spent the spring semester in Dijon, France, where she followed her studies and was able to improve her French.
After doing her A-levels Clarissa spent a year abroad in Australia and Italy as her passion is to experience new cultures and languages by living in the accordant country.

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Sophie Martinetz – after an international career in law and corporate banking, Sophie returned from London to set up her own company in Vienna. She works to initiate a change in the work place and in society through her enterprise which will start in September 2012.
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Norbert Pauser is CEO of “Pauser Consulting”. He is working in the field of “Diversity & Inclusion” for almost 10 years. Already in 2005 he was awarded as “Social Responsible Manager of the Year” for establishing a “Diversity Scorecard”. Last year he published the first German “Handbook of Diversity Management Practice”.
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Octavio Pitaluga is the CNO of TEN (Top Executives Network) and the most connected South American professional in the main online social and business networks. Business networks manager, certified international business coach, public speaker and trainer. He defined the CNO - Chief Networking Officer responsibilities on Wikipedia. Initial Author of Selma Prodanovics "Brainsbook on Networking". In the corporate world, worked for  Tele2 Europe as Marketing and Sales Director responsible for operations in up to 17 countries and four business units in Western Europe.
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There are two things – successful people do differently. They choose the right things, and then they do it right. Sounds easy, doesn’t it. But how to get there? How to be sure to become a creator of the right things? There are so many topics, ideas, visions. Which of them are the right ones?
Being a management consultant since 1991 Karin Platzer is devoted to business development, start-ups, positioning and marketing of new ideas, products and enterprises. She loves to get the right things done - and she loves to bring the right people together, that things can be done right.
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Since 16 years, Margit is giving advice to people as a financial expert and planner, how to invest their money and finance their projects successfully. She loves bringing humans and ideas together.
Margit’s firm conviction is, that if we want to save the European economy or influence it, we need to invest in the economy.
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Selma Prodanovic is CEO of the Brainswork Group and initiator of IncrediblEurope. She is known as the “discoverer and connector” of human and business potentials.
Truly multicultural and multilingual (5 languages), Selma was educated in 4 different educational systems and lived in several countries in Europe and Africa. An entrepreneur and educator at heart, she is an expert in new business development, strategic marketing and networking.
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Amila Ramović, executive director of the Ars Aevi, has joined its team in the year 2000 as a program assistant hoping to spend several days in a fascinating environment- in the ambiance of one of the most important European collections of contemporary art in Sarajevo and the architectural project of Renzo Piano.
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Marie Ringler was born in Vienna, studied Sociology, Political Science and Women`s Studies at the University of Vienna, and holds an MBA from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. She helped build Public Netbase, an art institution dedicated to exploring the societal implications of the internet and new technologies through the lens of art, and managed its operations and international exhibitions and conferences.
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Niko Slavnic is a user ambassador. As professor, serial entrepreneur and business angel he is focused on the creation of user experience. Teaching about market & users & entrepreneurship at IEDC - Bled School of Management best executive schoolin SEE, he is popular as a guest speaker and lecturer in schools in 13 countries.

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Andreas Tschas is the Co-Founder and CEO of STARTeurope and the Pioneers Festival. STARTeurope is supporting and producing Startups in Europe. It’s aim is to foster and activate the Entrepreneurial thinking and acting in Europe. Since 2010, 18 successful high tech Startups resulted of its network.

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Jason Turner is a leading wine authority on Austrian and international wines. He was born in Torquay in South Devon, Great Britain, and started working with wine in 1997. Following a university degree in Modern History and German, an internship in PR at BMW in Munich and a stint with the international new agency Reuters, Jason moved to Vienna to continue his work with wine in 2002.
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Michael Wimmer is a founding member and first general manager of EDUCULT. As music educator and political scientist, he brings many years of professional experience in co-operation of the arts, culture and education. From 1987 until 2003, he was Director of the Austrian Culture-Service. Michael is an expert for the Council of Europe in the field of cultural policy. He published several reports on this subject and also is member of the Council of Europe’s expert group "Culture, Creativity and the Young".

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