Dear ,
Grey sky, cold temperatures and singing the blues? - Pick yourself up and join the activities of IncrediblEurope!
Organize your own IncrediblEurope group in your country and become an IncrediblE Ambassador, design and apply for the Young Balkan Designers Award, become member of the IncrediblEurope network or register for TEDxPannonia Women.
So much to be done and too little resources to grasp all opportunities! If you feel you want to/can contribute to the preparations of the Summit 2011, we'll be happy to hear from you.
Have an inspiring November,
Your IncrediblEurope team
Newsletter 07 - November 2010
IncrediblE Content  |
IncrediblEurope is proud to announce another development of our initiative - the IncrediblE Ambassadors.
IncrediblE Ambassadors are the bridge between the IE network and their country by officially representing their country in the IE network and the other way round. The roles vary from spokesperson for IE in the country to promoting IE within creative and incrediblE people, developing local activities,...
As the theme for 2011 is "The Influence of ONE", we are looking for the ONE Ambassador in each European country.
If you are an IE member with a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, with at least 7 years of working experience and a passionate European, let us know!
IncrediblE young designers have the chance to be part of an international exhibition tour "Young Balkan Designers" organized by IncrediblEurope partner Mikser.
Following two years of outstanding success the competition is expanding and is now including the entire Balkan region and its neighbouring countries.
The competition is open to all persons 35 years of age or younger and focuses on industrial design. The award winners will be promoted with intense promotional activities for one year, as well as an international exhibition tour (Milan Furniture Fair 2011, Mikser Belgrade, Dan D Zagreb, Skopje Design Week, Sofia Design Week, Vienna Design Week,... and of course IncrediblEurope Summit).
Learn more about the award, the deadlines and how to apply!
The IncrediblEurope network
fosters increased understanding for Europe’s incredible potential in
innovation and creativity in every sector of human activity and
thought. Our mission is to expand entrepreneurship, nurture Europe’s innovative and creative visions and strengthen Europe's position and brand value in local and global contexts. Think Europe 2049 - Act now!
IncrediblEurope Members
- have access to a network of some of the most influential innovative, creative and entrepreneurial changemakers worldwide
- receive the IncrediblEurope newsletters
- get discounts on tickets for the IncrediblEurope Summit and the IE series
- get discounts from our partners (hotels and travel agency in negotiation)
- are welcome to further develop IncrediblEurope
- can participate actively in the preparations of the IncrediblEurope Summit.
If you wish to shape Europe and start enjoying the benefits of membership today, fill out this form and simply use PayPal - thank you! With your payment you make IncrediblEurope possible!
Complimentary to the TEDWomen conference in Washington DC, the incrediblE team of DreamAcademia is organizing TEDxPannonia Women on December 7, 2010 at the Innovation and Technology Center in Siegendorf (Austria).
Exceptional women reshaping the future will share how they think and work, communicate and collaborate, learn and lead. IncrediblEurope initiator Selma Prodanovic and Brainswork Make a difference-Award 2010 winner Angie Rattay are invited to talk about their ideas worth spreading. A livestream from TEDWomen in Washington completes this classy event.
Stay tuned at...
IncrediblEurope initiated by Brainswork GmbH | Ausstellungsstraße 39, A-1020 Wien | t +43 1 729 89 00 | |