Dear ,
Another month passing by and although the IncrediblEurope changemakers are enjoying their holidays they are still coming with new ideas for IncrediblEurope.
Our monthly newsletter with incrediblE achievements, incrediblE cooperations, incrediblE activities and incrediblE events is waiting for your projects and ideas. Don't hesitate and tell us what you want to see published in our newsletter.
Meanwhile we wish you an IncrediblE summer and are looking forward to getting in touch with you in September!
Your IncrediblEurope team
Newsletter 04 – August 2010
IncrediblE Content |
IncrediblEurope is proud to announce the
IncrediblEurope Young Ambassadors
The Young Ambassadors role is to promote IncrediblEurope. This can be done by:
- posting interesting information about innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship on blogs, facebook or on twitter
- the filter word is “incrediblE”
- finding new Young Ambassadors at universities in other European cities
Interested? Just get in contact with us if you want to become a Young Ambassador!
THE BOX by Julie May Queen
Participants of the IncrediblEurope Summit 2010 had the chance to experience "THE BOX by Julie May Queen". It is an instrument of communication. It's a wooden cube oben to one side. Everyone who joins it leaves a gift while he hands it on to the next. As the photographer, Julie May Queen captures these special and unique moments of interaction.
"THE BOX by Julie May Queen" will be passed along to different places and builds bridges all over the world with photo sessions, accompanied by a running touring exhibition.
We are currently developing the worldwide tour. For hosting the artist in your city simply contact us!
Johanna Kriks (textlust) initiated the first meeting of IncrediblEntrepreneurs which will take place beginning of September. She was participating the IE Summit in 2009 and 2010 and got inspired to start her own business.
We'll keep you updated about further action and meetings.
STARTup Lounge Alpbach is a student driven side event that is organized next
to the official agenda of the European Forum Alpbach on Friday, 27 August 2010 by the IncrediblEurope partners STARTeurope.
The first part, STARTup hours, combines the
possibility to start a business with a unique networking opportunity.
Either you have your own idea or you want to support people to get
their business idea started.
The second part consists of a STARTup panel discussion, with a topic
that could not be more contemporary: “Unleash the entrepreneurial
spirit – what’s missing in Europe?”
Want to join? Just send your binding registration to STARTeurope directly!
IncrediblEurope initiated by Brainswork GmbH | Ausstellungsstraße 39, A-1020 Wien | t +43 1 729 89 00 | |