4th IncrediblEurope Summit – June 14-15, 2012 | Vienna – Austria – Europe
Dear ,

Spring finally arrived - even in Vienna!
- It's time to register for the IE Summit 2011.

Buy your ticket for the IE Summit 2011 TODAY, March 17, 2011 and get the individual membership for the IncrediblEurope network for 2011 for free!
Register online, buy your ticket and you'll be automatically part of the incrediblE network of influential creative, innovative and entrepreneurial future-makers.

Enjoy the time of pleasant anticipation until the IE Summit 2011 as much as we do!

Your IncrediblEurope team

Newsletter 03 - March 2011

IncrediblE Content

IncrediblEurope is very proud to announce the NO PROBLEM ORCHESTRA playing a concert at the IE Summit 2011 in Vienna.

The Austrian band, an eight-member musical ensemble featuring musicians with special needs, plays a wide variety of music including jazz, rock, classical and traditional songs. The musicians are diagnosed with Down syndrome. Since forming in 1985, they have performed in more than 5,000 concerts worldwide, including performances at the Special Olympics in Austria and the recital for Queen Elizabeth II. This year they will play at two royal weddings - in London for Prince William and Kate Middleton, as well as in Monaceo for Prince Albert II and Charlene Wittstock and at the 3rd IncrediblEurope Summit on June 9, 2011 in Vienna!

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is supporting the IE Summit 2011.

2011 has been announced to be the European Year of Volunteering. There are dozens of people volunteering for IncrediblEurope (IncrediblE Angels, IE Young Ambassadors, Honorary Board of IncrediblEs, IE partners, IE top speakers,...) and making a difference for the future of Europe. IncrediblEurope is a prime example of commitment and value-change.

There is still so much to do - volunteer for the IE Summit 2011.

Actions worth spreading at the IE Summit 2011:
  • get inspired by the invited keynote speakers
  • take your personal picture at "The incrediblE Box"
  • participate in the "Play for Europe"
  • share your dream at the DreamA's corner
  • listen to an outstanding concert
  • encounter start-ups meeting money
  • act & co-create
  • play an active role on both days
  • interact with other influential, incrediblE future-makers from 25+ countries
  • enjoy and party with us!

June 9-10, 2011 in Vienna/Austria.

The IE Summit gathers some of the most influential innovative, creative and entrepreneurial future-makers, willing to make a difference today for the Europe of tomorrow.

250+ speakers (meaning all participants) will play an active role on both days and interact with the invited keynotes:  Jean Oelwang, CEO of Virgin Unite; Sacha Lakic, designer of the Venturi Fetish; Josef Penninger, who identified the key regulator of progestin-driven breast cancer; and many more. Share knowledge, exchange business experience and enjoy networking at the European Muttankstelle*.

*empowerment station

IncrediblEurope initiated by Brainswork GmbH | Ausstellungsstraße 39, A-1020 Wien | t +43 1 729 89 00 |
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