Dear friends, members and participants of IncrediblEurope,
A new year with power, energy and efforts for Europe's shared, sustainable future has just begun and we have been busy to further develop IncrediblEurope.
We are finalizing our preparations for the 2nd IncrediblEurope Summit in June and welcome all your comments, inputs, ideas, suggestions and critics. Be an active part in shaping Europe’s future and send us your message at!
Looking forward to meeting you,
Your IncrediblE Team
IncrediblE Content |
The IncrediblEurope Association is a non-profit organization to support, nurture and brand Europe's innovative and creative side as a key investment for the future of Europe on a global level.
IncrediblEurope Members are part of a year-round IncrediblE experience that includes newsletters, the IncrediblE magazine, reduced participation fees for the IncrediblE Summit and other specialities that help you act on the IncrediblEurope Charter.
At the yearly interdisciplinary IncrediblEurope Summit in Vienna members and participants jointly work on specific actions for the following year (the IncrediblEurope Charter). The IncrediblEurope Summit is a MUST for changemakers, innovators and creatives!
IncrediblEurope connects changemakers, future oriented creative entrepreneurs, innovators, business people, artists, scientists, investors, educators and researchers, all those working on creative and innovative solutions in their fields, as well as those simply interested in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The goal is to bring together changemakers from all fields of work to learn and profit from the variety of approaches: Envision Europe 2049 – Inspire positive change – Act upon the yearly IncrediblEurope Charter!
Who would you prefer at the IncrediblEurope Summit 2010?
a) Peter Gabriel
b) Umberto Eco
c) Rem Koolhaas
d) Edward de Bono
Non-Facebook-Members can tell us their preference by using this form.
Vote yourself and have your friends vote!
The results of this poll will be published in the next IncrediblE newsletter. |
The yearly IncrediblEurope Summit in Vienna is the highlight of the year-long campaign working for Europe’s innovation and creativity.
And it's all about our ability to tackle our own prejudice and mindset and start thinking beyond-the-box. Many of the initiatives and projects presented at IncrediblEurope are unconventional and different. But they're distinctly innovative and creative by the fact that their authors, to quote the great European genius Leonardo da Vinci, "did not let themselves be constrained by any known universe". Rather than asking "why", the IncrediblEurope community asks - "why not"?
IncrediblEurope initiated by Brainswork GmbH | Ausstellungsstraße 39, A-1020 Wien | t +43 1 729 89 00 | |